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Our Business Cloud integration platform suits large and small businesses!

Are you curious about Lundatech Business Cloud? Contact me and I'll be happy to tell you more!


Staffan Hedbrandh


+46(0)707 - 81 97 23
Email Staffan


Lundatech is a SaaS company with offices in Malmö and Uppsala

Feel free to contact us to hear how we can help you with integrations (new and old), reporting, budget and forecasting.

+46(0)707 - 81 97 23


Read more about what happens at Lundatech, here we gather knowledge and information.



Vår integrationsplattform Business Cloud passar stora som små verksamheter!

Är du nyfiken på Lundatech Business Cloud? Kontakta mig så berättar jag gärna mer!


Staffan Hedbrandh


+46(0)707 - 81 97 23
Maila Staffan


Lundatech är ett SaaS bolag med kontor i Malmö och Uppsala

Kontakta oss gärna för att höra hur vi kan hjälpa er med integrationer (nya som gamla), rapportering, budget & prognos.

+46(0)707 - 81 97 23


Läs mer om vad som händer på Lundatech, här samlar vi kunskap och information.


2 min read

What is data quality? Part 5

What is data quality? Part 5

How do we ensure our data quality?

This is an ever-present point of discussion in many companies, regardless of department or duties. The quality of your data can be evaluated based on many variables. In the last post, we discussed what affects how up-to-date and accessible your data is.

  • Accessible
  • Relevant
  • Comparable
  • Valid
  • Accuracy
  • Completeness
  • Reliablity
  • Consistency
  • Current

Based on these, we will recommend a selection of activities, both manual and system-driven, that can help you evaluate and improve your data quality.


Comparable data

In our final post, we will go through the last two variables, the first of which is how comparable your data is. Can you visualize your data and compare it against historical data, article registers or current budget/forecast figures? Via validation against reference data, you can find new dimensions in your analysis of data and follow up on how your business develops over time.


Valid data

Our final way of evaluating its data quality is to answer the question of whether the data is valid. This approach refers to whether the data, via for example a report or dashboard, shows the answer to the question you asked. Do we have the information we need, does the data help us make the right decisions and does it show a fair picture of our business?


Use key performance indicators (KPIs)

Try to think about what is important in your business and select a couple of key figures to follow up, these should describe your performance and contribute to developing your company. Simplification by focusing on a few defined points makes information more comparable and relevant.


Visualize information

By using and comparing data from several different sources through a service that is updated in real time, your company can combine and standardize data to be able to produce up-to-date information that was missing before. Visualize it via reporting tools and Dashboards to clarify the information.


Cloud service (SaaS)

Having the information available in the cloud as a service (Solution as a Service) provides many advantages. The downtime for the service is today usually minimal and the security is equivalent to having an "on premise" solution. The data is available when it is needed, and you do not need an internal organization or premises for servers.


Compare against forecast and budget

Why should you compare the outcome against the budget and forecast? The budget helps you see on an overall level where the company is going, while the forecast helps you adjust the business in the short term. When the outcome matches the comparison data, you have a good picture of how the business is developing and you can make better decisions based on the information you have.

Do you think your data is relevant and comparable? Does the data help you make the right decisions and does it show a fair picture of the business?



Are you curious to learn how Business Cloud iPaaS can help your company with integrations and data quality? Contact me below or book a demo and I'll tell you more.




                 Contact  Book demo



Staffan Hedbrandh, CEO 

What is data quality? Part 4

What is data quality? Part 4

How do we ensure our data quality? This is an ever-present point of discussion in many companies, regardless of department or duties. The quality of...

How Lundatech secures your data quality with Business Cloud

How Lundatech secures your data quality with Business Cloud

We at Lundatech have built our products and services around having a simple and efficient solution to consolidate, standardize and wash data, to...